Faith Ade Ola Faith Ade Ola

Should A Christian Tithe?

Many Christians struggle with the idea of tithing. It’s an ongoing debate in the Christian community—some say it’s a biblical mandate, while others believe it’s no longer required. So, what does the Bible actually say about tithing and giving?

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Faith, Lifestyle Ade Ola Faith, Lifestyle Ade Ola

Why Daily Devotions Matter.

Spending time with God every day is one of the best things we can do for our faith and personal growth. A daily devotional is simply setting aside time to pray, read the Bible, and reflect on God’s Word. It’s like having a regular heart-to-heart with God, and it can make a huge difference in your life. Here’s why daily devotionals matter and how you can make them a meaningful part of your day.

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Faith, Lifestyle Ade Ola Faith, Lifestyle Ade Ola

Generosity: 10 Reasons Why.

Giving is a fundamental part of the Christian life, reflecting God’s generosity and love. Giving has always been an important practice for community development. As Christians, our giving supports the church, helps those in need, and advances the gospel. Giving isn’t just about money—it’s about stewarding our resources for God’s kingdom. Whether through tithes, offerings, or acts of kindness, generosity aligns us with God’s purpose and brings spiritual rewards. Jesus Himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Discover 10 biblical reasons why giving matters and how you can be part of God’s work and blessings!

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Faith, Lifestyle Ade Ola Faith, Lifestyle Ade Ola

Power of Forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a vital aspect of the Christian faith and is central to our relationship with God and with others. It's about letting go of anger, resentment, and bitterness and choosing to extend grace and mercy instead. How powerful is forgiveness in our daily walk as Christians and what inspiration can we get from the Bible?

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Faith Ade Ola Faith Ade Ola

Faith Hall of Fame

The writer of the Book of Hebrews in the bible shared with us names of men and women who lived a life of faith and overcame in life by their faith. Let us dive deep into Hebrews 11 and examine the lives of those who names are listed in the "Faith Hall of Fame". The stories of these men and women were written to encourage and challenge us in our walk of faith.

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Faith, Lifestyle Ade Ola Faith, Lifestyle Ade Ola

Confidence - Lessons & Tips

Growing up and navigating through the challenges of teenage years can be difficult but it gives an opportunity for you to build self confidence. It helps you face new experiences with courage, embrace who you are, and feel comfortable in your own skin. Developing self-confidence is not always easy. Ten ways to help you build self-confidence as a teenager.

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Faith, Stories Ade Ola Faith, Stories Ade Ola

Queen Esther - Beautiful & Favored

Esther was a Jewish girl raised by her uncle in a foreign land during the reign of King Ahasuerus as king over the kingdom of Persia and Media. What was it about Esther that qualified her to be chosen as a Queen in a foreign land? Queen Esther’s story is one with a some life lessons for today.

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Faith Ade Ola Faith Ade Ola

Fruit of the Spirit

The fruit of the Spirit is the manifestation that the world around us see of the work that is taking place in us as children of God. Children of God who are completely yielded to Him. Allowing the Holy Spirit to help our new creation produce fruit. When we manifest the fruit of the Spirit, our world is a better place for it.

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Faith Ade Ola Faith Ade Ola

Uplifting Bible Verses

The Bible is a treasure trove of wisdom and guidance, filled with countless verses that offer comfort, inspiration, and direction. Whether you are seeking guidance on how to live your best life or simply looking for a source of hope and encouragement, the Bible has something to offer. In this article, we will explore some of the most powerful and transformative Bible verses to live by.

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Faith, Lifestyle Ade Ola Faith, Lifestyle Ade Ola

Faith To Overcome

Sometimes life feels like a roller coaster ride, filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. When we encounter challenges, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed, scared, or uncertain. But we also need to remember, God has not abandoned us. He is right there, waiting for us to turn to Him for help and guidance. When faced with challenges, we often try to figure things out on our own, relying solely on our understanding and strength.

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Faith, Lifestyle Ade Ola Faith, Lifestyle Ade Ola

Dealing With Peer Pressure

Peer pressure is like a strong current trying to push you in a direction you may not want to go. It can make you feel the need to fit in or do things that don’t align with your values. Let’s explore together how to navigate peer pressure and remain steadfast in faith.

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Faith, Stories Ade Ola Faith, Stories Ade Ola

Joseph’s Life - Lessons for Today

Joseph was a dreamer, he had dreams and told them to his brothers. His dreams and possible interpretation were not so pleasant to the brothers.  From being the favorite son of his father to becoming a slave in Egypt and eventually next in command to Pharaoh. What lessons can we learn today of the power of choice and possible outcomes?

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Faith, Lifestyle Ade Ola Faith, Lifestyle Ade Ola

Choose Wisely

We make decisions everyday. Varying from the minors of what to eat, what to wear, what to say, what to look like, to the majors of what kind of life you want to live, who to marry, who to associate with, what career path to choose. God created us with a free will. God is all knowing and all powerful yet allows us to make our own decisions. As a good Father, He guides and teaches us telling us what is good or bad. He does not force any one to do anything.

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Faith, Lifestyle Ade Ola Faith, Lifestyle Ade Ola

Books You Should Read

Reading takes you to a whole new world of adventure and discovery. It’s also a way to learn new things. There are several books out there and more are been written everyday. So how do you make sure that the books you read are worth your time and money?

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Faith Ade Ola Faith Ade Ola

The Bible - More Than A Book

Why should we read the Bible? Or even believe anything it says. It’s amazing how the wisdom of the Bible is timeless and has remained relevant from one generation to another.

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Stories, Faith Ade Ola Stories, Faith Ade Ola

Daniel - A Man of Excellence

The life of Daniel in the Bible is a remarkable example of faith, wisdom, and unwavering devotion to God. From his early days as a captive in Babylon to his rise as a trusted advisor to kings, Daniel remained steadfast in his commitment to God. His story offers timeless lessons for navigating challenges while staying true to our faith in God.

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Lifestyle, Faith Ade Ola Lifestyle, Faith Ade Ola

Lessons on Money.

Money is often seen as a measure of success. While money can provide for our needs, open doors, and be used for good, it should never become an idol. Money is a tool. We can learn a lot of lessons from Bible on how to acquire and use our wealth wisely.

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Faith, Lifestyle Ade Ola Faith, Lifestyle Ade Ola

You Should Never Give Up

It is a lot easier to give up than endure. The decision to hold on and be resilient will depend on a lot of things. What is your why for giving up or not? These examples and the lessons they offer should be a form of encouragement and challenge for everyone.

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